Induction as a Fellow of the Baltimore Bar Foundation is a professional honor and distinction, and a recognition of outstanding dedication and contribution to maintaining the honor and integrity of the legal profession, the improvement and facilitation of the administration of justice, the work of the Association, and civic leadership. Membership in the Fellows provides financial support for programs of the Bar Association of Baltimore City, and other law-related programs that could not otherwise be funded from the resources of either the Baltimore Bar Foundation or the Bar Association of Baltimore City.
Life Fellows
Dale Adkins, III
Arthur S. Alperstein
Robert D. Anbinder
Peter G. Angelos
Hon. Kevin A. Arthur
Hon. Alison L. Asti
James B. Astrachan
Andrew G. Bailey
Damien R. Banks
Monica Basche
Hon. Lynne A. Battaglia
Michel J. Baxter
Thomas C. Beach, III
Paul D. Bekman
Herbert J. Belgrad
Hon. Stuart R. Berger
Hon. Robert M. Bell
Hon. Jonathan Biran
Catherine A. Bledsoe
Hon. Charles M. Blomquist
Michael E. Blumenfeld
Michele Z. Blumenfeld
Hon. Kent J. Boles
Christopher Brown
Hon. Emanuel Brown
Hon. Pamila J. Brown
Francis B. Burch, Jr.
Meighan Griffin Burton
Hon. John Carroll Byrnes
Hon. Evelyn Omega Cannon
Thomas C. Cardaro
Hon. Audrey J.S. Carrion
Meghan K. Casey
Mary Cina Chalawsky
Benjamin R. Civiletti
Ward B. Coe, III
Adam Sean Cohen
Allan Cohen
Bryson L. Cook
Hon. L. Robert Cooper
Harriet E. Cooperman
Mark D. Coplin
Lawrence D. Coppel
Theodore B. Cornblatt
Hon. Sylvester B. Cox, Jr.
Jennifer L. Curry
Vicki L. Dexter
Jeffrey M. Dier
Ryan Dietrich
Mark D. Dopkin
Neil E. Duke
Alan J. Dunklow
Hon. William M. Dunn
Kevin A. Dunne
Suzanne K. Farace
Edwin G. Fee, Jr.
Robert L. Ferguson, Jr.
Hon. Lawrence P. Fletcher-Hill
Philip Franke, III
Alvin I. Frederick
Carrie McMahon Freeman
Hon. Karen Friedman
Hon. Kathleen O’Ferrall Friedman
Stanford G. Gann, Jr.
James P. Garland
Herbert S. Garten
Howard I. Getlan
Antonio Gioia
Hon. Lydie E. Glynn
Sally B. Gold
Jeffrey K. Gonya
Robert T. Gonzales
Brian S. Goodman
Tamara B. Goorevitz
Hon. Joan Bossmann Gordon
Michael I. Gordon
Francis J. Gorman
Andrew Jay Graham
Hon. James H. Green
Lawrence S. Greenwald
Caroline A. Griffin
Robert N. Grossbart
Edward J. Gutman
Jesse A. Halvorsen
Hon. Kay N. Harding
Thomas A. Hauser
Hon. Ellen M. Heller
Robert W. Hesselbacher, Jr.
Mahlon W. Hessey
Jason C. Hessler
Hon. Marcella A. Holland
Hon. Ellen L. Hollander
Hon. John Addison Howard
Katherine Kelly Howard
Marian C. Hwang
Kamil Ismail
Amy Hennen
Kelly Hughes Iverson
Maija B. Jackson
Cheryl K. Jacobs
Patricia C. Jessamy
Harry S. Johnson
Kendra Randall Jolivet
Milos Jovanovic
Aaron Kadish
Hon. Darren L. Kadish
Hon. Joseph H.H. Kaplan
Laurence M. Katz
Hon. Robert B. Kershaw
Gregory K. Kirby
Randolph C. Knepper
Alison D. Kohler
Thomas D. Kohn
Frederick Singley Koontz
Paul R. Kramer
Lauren Lake
Sidney G. Leech
Hon. Benson E. Legg
Cynthia L. Leppert
John Henry Lewin, Jr.
William R. Levasseur
Michelle N. Lipkowitz
Jerald B. Lurie
John P. Machen
Richard J. Magid
Stephen A. Markey
Hon. Albert J. Matricciani
Hon. Lynn Stewart Mays
Lois A. Fenner McBride
David J. McManus, Jr.
M. Natalie McSherry
Margaret Ann Mead
Hon. Myshala E. Middleton
Cleaveland D. Miller
Erin C. Miller
Searle E. Mitnick
Charles O. Monk, II
Dana Petersen Moore
Charles J. Morton, Jr.
Hon. M. Brooke Murdock
Hon. John S. Nugent
Hon. Christopher L. Panos
Vasilios Peros
Hon. W. Michel Pierson
Joseph K. Pokempner
John H. Price, Jr.
John T. Prisbe
Andrew Radding
Hon. Gale E. Rasin
Hon. Michael W. Reed
Elizabeth Ritter
Patrick A. Roberson
Deborah L. Robinson
Craig D. Roswell
Hon. Julie R. Rubin
George L. Russell, Jr.
Stephen H. Sachs
William C. Sammons
Hon. Gregory Sampson
Paul Mark Sandler
Jeffrey H. Scherr
Janine Scott
Hon. Martin H. Schreiber, II
Hon. Mark F. Scurti
Janine Scott
Alvin Sellman
Hon. Stephen J. Sfekas
Indira Sharma
Linda L. Shields
David J. Shuster
Robin Silver
David W. Skeen
Kerri L. Smith
Norman L. Smith
Mary Alice Smolarek
Yolanda F. Sonnier
Lisa D. Sparks
Frank W. Spector
Michael A. Stanley
Ferrier Rose Stillman
Paul F. Strain
Hon. Michael Studdard
Paul S. Sugar
Jocelyn S. Szymanowski
Gustava E. Taler
Hon. Nicole Egerton Taylor
Hon. Robert S. Taylor
Erin C. Thompson
Steve Tiedemann
Elva E. Tillman
Hon. Hope Tipton
Marisa Trasatti
Jeff Trueman
Robert C. Verderaime
Hon. Anthony F. Vittoria
Robert L. Waldman
Irving E. Walker
Byron L. Warnken
Jason T. Wasserman
Richard L. Wasserman
Hon. Shirley M. Watts
Hon. Thomas J.S. Waxter, Jr.
Thomas J.S. Waxter, III
Sen. Christopher R. West
Hon. Pamela J. White
Hamilton Whitman, Jr.
David McIntosh Williams
Charles S. Winner
Sky Woodward
Linda S. Woolf
Meghan H. Yanacek
Gina A. Zentz
Matthew Zimmerman
Associate Fellows
Richard L. Adams, III
Diane C. Bristow
Jodie E. Buchman
Joshua L. Caplan
Hon. Teresa Epps Cummings
Aaron DeGraffenreidt
Jill Green
Sara E. Gross
Hon. Althea Handy
Kurt Heinrich
Hon. Geoffrey G. Hengerer
Hon. Cynthia H. Jones
Hon. Alan Lazerow
Hon. Dana M. Middleton
Robert B. Owings
Hon. George L. Russell, III
Tracy L. Steedman
Michelle K. Wilson
A. David Zerivitz